Showing posts with label spray tester. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spray tester. Show all posts

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Ingram's Patented Perfume Atomizer c1890s

This unusual atomizer has various chambers that are separated, so that it sprays ten different perfumes.

(No Model.)



No. 481,951. Patented Sept. 6, 1892.



SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 481,951, dated September 6, 1892.

Application filed March 12, 1892.

To all whom it may concern:

Be it known that I, FREDERICK F. INGRAM, a citizen of the United States, residing at Detroit, county of Wayne, State of Michigan, have invented a certain new and useful Improvement in Atomizers; and I declare the following to be a. full, clear, and exact description of the invention, such as will enable others skilled in the art to which it appertains to make and use the same, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, which form a part of this specification.

My invention relates to certain new and useful improvements in atomizers, and has for its objects, more particularly, the construction of a stock or sample atomizer in which a variety of perfumes may be conveniently stored in readiness for use, means being provided whereby any desired perfume may be atomized. My invention does not, however, limit the use to which the atomizer may be applied, whether for sampling a stock of perfumes or otherwise; but it is obviously a great convenience in selling perfumes especially to have means at hand whereby a stock of perfumes may be readily tested or sensed one after another by the purchaser.

To these ends my invention consists of the devices and appliances, their construction, combination, and arrangement, hereinafter specified and claimed, and illustrated in the accompanying drawings, in which Figure 1 is a vertical cross-section of a device embodying my invention on the line so 00 of Fig. 2. Fig. 2 is a plan view of the same. Fig. 3 is a separate View of the label.

As shown in the drawings, A represents a metal casting constituting a body or case constructed with a series of perfume cells or receptacles a, ten receptacles being indicated herewith. These receptacles are closed at their base and are provided, in the form indicated in the drawings, with a contracted neck at a to receive a stopper or cork B. While I do not limit myself solely to such a construction, I find it convenient, economical, and desirable for many reasons to construct the body or case A of an integral casting with the receptacles or cells a cast therein. In this casting as first taken from the mold both ends of said cells are open. The base of the cells are closed in any desired manner, as

Serial No. 424,666. (No model.)

by soldering or otherwise, applying thereto a metal plate A to seal the bottom of the receptacles. In the form shown, moreover, the center of the casting is left hollow, as shown at A At a central point in the top of the casting a socket a may be formed, whereby the device may be suspended and rotated upon a spindle 0' upon a standard 0.

While the body A may conveniently be made cylindrical and rotatable, yet my invention is not limited thereto, as the body containing the cells may be stationary, the base 0 and spindle 0 being dispensed with. So, also, the cells may be arranged in a linear series or in any other desired form, instead of in a circle, without departing from my invention, which contemplates the arrangement of the cells in any desired form; nor do I limit myself to the formation of the perfume cells or tubes a in an integral casting alone, as a series of perfume bottles or other receptacles may be grouped in a corresponding manner, so as to be operated as hereinafter specified. I prefer to engage with each of the stoppers B atomizer-tubes D of any desired construction.

E denotes an ordinary elastic bulb. The tubes D and bulb E are so constructed that the bulb may be readily connected with any one of the tubes D and disconnected therefrom, as by a slip-joint at cl, so that the one bulb may operate all the tubes D in any order desired. By so constructing the device that one bulb will answer to operate all the atomizer-tubes the construction is rendered more compact, neat, and economical.

I do not limit myself to the use of a bulb alone to operate the atomizer-tubes. The bulb acts practically, as is well known, as an air pump. Any other form of a pump desired and suitable may be used instead thereof.

F denotes a label, made of any suitable material, perforated, as shown, at f for the passage of the stopper, the outer edge of the label projecting forward of the stopper and bearing thereupon the name of the perfume contained in the corresponding cell. As so constructed the stopper holds the label in place. The stoppers B are each provided, preferably, with an elongated stem or tube 1), as shown.

While I have described this invention as an atomizer for perfumes more particularly, the body or case may be used for other purposes, if desired, without departing from my invention, either with or Without the atomizer tubes, or with simply a stopper of any desired construction.

What I claim as my invention is- 1. In an atomizer, a series of receptacles, each provided With atomizer-tubes, and a bulb or pump having a detachable connection with any and all of said tubes, substantially as described.

2. In an atomizer, a body or case having a series of integral receptacles, each provided with atomizer-tubes, and a bulb or pump to engage and operate any and all of said tubes, substantially as described.

3. In an atomizer, a body or case constructed of an integral casting having a series of receptacles therein, each receptacle provided with atomizer-tubes, and a bulb or pump to' operate said tubes, substantially as described.

4:. In an atomizer, a metal body or case constructed with a series of cells or receptacles closed at the base and each formed with a neck at the upper end, stoppers engaged in said necks, said stoppers each provided with atomizer-tubes, and a bulb or pump to operate said tubes, substantially as described.

5. In an atomizer, a revolving body or case provided with a series of receptacles, said receptacles each provided with atomizer-tubes, and a bulb to operate said tubes, substantially as described.

6. In an atomizer, a cast-metal body or case provided with a series of receptacles formed integral therewith, the interior of the body formed hollow, and a standard supporting said body, substantially as described.

7. In an atomizer, a body or case provided with a series of receptacles, stoppers provided with atomizer-tubes engaged in said receptacles, a pump or bulb to operate said tubes, and labels held in place by said stoppers, substantially as described.

8. The case or body herein described, consisting of a casting provided with a series of cells cast integral therewith, said cells arranged in an annular series about the outer portion of said body, said casting provided with a hollow center open at the base and covered at the top, substantially as described.

In testimony whereof I sign this specification in the presence of two witnesses.

